Do I Have a Ghost in My House? A Hilarious Guide for Real Estate Buyers

Written By Cassandra Petersen Harris

So, you've found your dream home—or so you thought. Everything seems perfect, but there's just one tiny, itsy-bitsy, not-so-tiny question lingering in your mind: Do I have a ghost in my house? Before you go all Ghostbusters on us, let's dive into the paranormal (or not-so-paranormal) world of haunted real estate. Here's your hilarious guide to deciphering whether your new abode comes with a ghostly roommate.

1. Mysterious Noises or a Tired Heating System?

You're in your potential new home, and suddenly you hear creaks, bangs, and footsteps in the middle of the night. Your first instinct might be to run for the hills (and who can blame you?), but before you do, let's rule out a few rational explanations. Could it be the plumbing, the wind, or just a good ol' tired heating system? Sometimes, reality has a knack for sounding like a horror movie, but it's more likely that your new home is just getting used to having you around.

2. Shifting Shadows or Bad Lighting?

Ever caught something from the corner of your eye and turned to see... nothing? Don't worry; you're not losing your marbles! It's easy to mistake shifting shadows for something more sinister. Before calling the Ghostbusters, try adjusting the lighting or moving some furniture around. Ghosts might enjoy playing hide-and-seek, but it's more likely that your interior design scheme just needs a little sprucing up.

3. Cold Spots or Overactive Imagination?

Feeling a sudden chill down your spine? Before you assume it's a ghostly presence, check for drafts, poorly insulated windows, or overactive air conditioning. Your new home might be an architectural marvel, but it's not unheard of for the temperature to fluctuate without any ghostly intervention.

4. Flickering Lights or Faulty Wiring?

Lights flickering like a scene out of a horror movie? Let's put on our detective hats for a moment. Instead of summoning an exorcist, have an electrician check the wiring and panels. A few tweaks, and your home will be back to its well-lit, non-spooky glory.

5. Moving Objects or Gravity's Pranks?

So, you put your keys down, and the next moment, they're nowhere to be found. Did a ghost steal them? Probably not. It's more likely that you're simply experiencing a classic case of forgetfulness or the mysterious forces of gravity working their magic. We've all been there!

6. Eerie Dreams or Spicy Dinner?

Having some spooky dreams after moving into your new place? While it might feel like a scene from a horror movie, it could simply be that late-night burrito from your new kitchen haunting you. Spicy food can lead to some pretty wild dreams, and trust us, ghosts don't have anything to do with it!

7. Ghostly Sounds or Groaning Pipes?

You're sitting in your living room when you hear faint whispers. Before you call in the ghost hunters, consider that old houses often come with their unique set of sounds—like groaning pipes and creaking floorboards. It's all part of the charm!

Final Resting Place 

While haunted houses might make for entertaining stories, the chances of you having a real-life ghost in your new home are probably slimmer than a skeleton's waistline. When things seem spooky, take a deep breath, and remember that the real estate buying process can be a rollercoaster of emotions. From unexpected noises to peculiar shadows, there's usually a logical explanation for it all.

So, instead of fleeing from your dream home, embrace the quirks and imperfections—it's all part of the adventure! And hey, if you do end up with a friendly ghost roommate, burn some sage and just make sure they're good at keeping things tidy. Happy haunting, oops, we mean house-hunting!

Cassandra Petersen Harris

Growing up in a skilled family of Boston home builders and contractors, real estate has always been naturally embedded into Cassandra Petersen’s roots. Studying History and attending Law School, she began her career in residential real estate selling architectural and historical homes in Cambridge to Harvard's and MIT’s finest minds. After five years in the Cambridge real estate market and becoming a licensed Real Estate Broker in Massachusetts, Cassandra moved West and joined Partners Trust in 2014 where she obtained a second Broker’s license to practice in California. In selling over $500 million in residential sales between Boston and Los Angeles, she has been named to the coveted Variety Showbiz Real Estate Elite list a total of four different times. She has been renamed as Chair of a philanthropic non-profit, which helped guide hundreds of thousands in donations to several wonderful local charitable causes. Her love of history, architecture, law, and home construction all couple into giving her clients the best possible service experience. In her spare time, you can find her walking her two best four-legged friends, her adorable dogs Doug and Darth.

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